1862/1865, BEYROUTH, lot of two stampless ship letters: 1862 complete letter dated 22 May 1862, red boxed ”PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANEE” and ship c.d.s. ”JOURDAIN 22 MAI 62” alongside, addressed to Marseille, ms. marking ”90” on front and arrival mark 3.6. on reverse; 1865 complete letter dated 3 Nov 1865, red boxed ”PAQUEBOTS DE LA MEDITERRANEE” on reverse and ship c.d.s. ”VOLGA 3 NOV 65” on front, addressed to Marseille, ms. marking on front and arrival mark 15.11 on reverse. Both entires deriving from correspondence of JACOB TABET&Cie in Beyrouth with PASTRE brothers in Marseille.