Lot No. 466

1919/1936, group of 3 stationeries: 4 d blue KGV registered pse, uprated with 2 1/2 d blue KGV and 4 d orange/green KGV, sent from PRETORIA, 24.AP 19, with censor tape to Zürich in Switzerland; 6 d blue KGV registered pse (long size formate), uprated with 4 d orange/green KGV, sent from PARIJS, 17.OCT.23, to Huddersfield in England and 4 d ultramarine ”kraal” registered pse, uprated with 3 x 1 d carmine/grey (2 stamps with margin advertisement), sent from QUIGNEY, 15.OCT.36, to Argentina with circular censor ”CERTIFICADOS / 208 / CENTRAL” on arrival. (T)


Michel No.

H&G 1, H&G 4 etc.


70 EUR


Dieses Los unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung nach §25a UStG.