1921, 10(h) blue/chamois old Bosnian ”Sword” type value declared parcel card to Sarajevo, accompanying a parcel containing a pillow, weight 2kg. 600, value declared 1,000K, additional charges worked out as 9.60K (1D=4K), rounded to 2.50D (according to tariff of 16.05.20 -30.04.21), paid with 50p on 15v dull blue (SG D167, horizontal strip of four at front and single example at back) of Postage Due Provisional of 1920, USED AS POSTAGE, tied by four ”MODRIC, 8IV.20” (”K.und K.MILIT. POST” removed form old Bosnian device), at fron MODRIC parcel label, at back ”SARAJEVO 1/ 3/ 11.IV.21” arrival and similar next day distributing PM. (SG D167)