Lot No. 2723

1897. 2n ochre/buff Prince Nicholas double stationery card (head type I, plack prints Md & Ra), showing variety STAMP DOUBLE PRINT on message card, STAMP OMITTED on reply card, registered to a well known address in Germany, corectly uprated for 15 n registered foreign stationery rate with 5 n orange-red, perf L 11 1/2 small loles and 7 n dark rose, perf L 11, very scarce perforation variety, former stamp of late 1893, taller of mid 1893 printing, finally the rate completed with 1n grey-blue, perf 10 1/2 of 1894 New Values, tied by three strikes of CETINJE 13/2, corresponding ”R” label and arrival postmark alongside. Only a handful of such items are possible.


Michel No.

P 10 F/A


150 EUR


Dieses Los unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung nach §25a UStG.