Lot No. 2440

1940. ”Little Entente”. FDC. 3D bright blue and 4 D dull blue-grey, perf L 12 1/2. Issued in sheets of 100 (10x10) with inscription in Cyrillic or Roman characters, ”JUGOSLAVIA” at top (Cyrillic in colums
1,3,5,7 & 9, Roman in
2,4,6,8 & 10) and ”ENTENTE BALKANIQUE” at bottom (always in Roman letters). Originally the 8th regular meeting of Balkan economists was planned to be held in DUBROVNIKm due to a last minute change of venue the already prepared covers (with illustration depicting Dubrovnik) had to be modified to ”Beograd 1940, as per ths example of a colourful envelope bearing se-tenant blocks of four, centrally postmarked ”CONSEIL ECONOMIC DE L'ENTENTE BALKANIQUE * VIII SESSION * BEOGRAD 1 1.VI.40”. The best possible form to present this issue. Michel cat 200 €.


Michel No.

422/425 (SG 441/442 C&R)


60 EUR


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