Lot No. 7

1913. Envelope addressed to 'Logan Road, Ygang, Burma' bearing Straits Settlements SG 153, 3c red tied by Penang double ring '14th July 13', routed via Tavoy '29 July' and Mergui/Dep '4th Aug' with hooded 'Mergui/Due As' and charged '½a', endorsed 'Try Paung' and forwarded via Moulmein/Ungaid '11th Aug' with arrival Paung/Thaton '12th Aug' and returned via Rangoon '7th Sept' to Bombay '26 ' Sept' with framed 'Inconnu/Not Known' and returned to Singapore with oval 'Dead Letter Office/Singapore' '22nd Oct 13' on face. A much travelled item in Burma.



130 EUR


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