1852-1859, outstanding collection mainly composed of top quality items, including No.1-4, 5 cert Caffaz, 6b cert Raybaudi, 7-8 (both with certs. Caffaz), 9-12 cert Raybaudi, 12a* cert Chiavarello, 12b(*) cert Raybaudi, 13*, 14, 15a*, 16b used on piece with forged cancellation "Bardi", as stated in a Sorani certificate ("original stamp with forged cancellation"). Some items are not calculated, nevertheless enormous cat. value. A great opportunity to buy a wonderful collection! In total there are 9 certificates, the lot completely pictured on our website.
1852-1859, bedeutende Sammlung, vorwiegend mit Stücken in Top-Qualität, mit Mi.Nr.1-4, 5 Attest Caffaz, 6 b Attest Raybaudi, 7-8 (beide mit Attest Caffaz), 9-12 Attest Raybaudi, 12a* Attest Chiavarello, 12b(*) Attest Raybaudi, 13*, 14, 15a*, 16b (auf Briefstück mit falscher Entwertung "Bardi", entsprechendes Attest Sorani ("Originalmarke mit falscher Abstempelung"). Einige Stücke unberechnet, dennoch enormer Katalogwert, eine Gelegenheit! Insgesamt neun Atteste, das Los komplett im Internet!