Los Nr. 567

1872 THE ONLY KNOWN POSTALLY USED EXAMPLE OF THE PROPAGANDA ”PAR BALLON MONTÉ” POST CARD OF ARTHUR MAURY. Franked with a pair of German Reich 1/4 Groschen ”kleinem Brustschild” (Michel Nr. 1) cancelled ”WOLFENBÜTTEL 15 OCT 1872” and sent to Braunschweig. This formular was issued by Arthur Maury during the ”Siége de Paris” and it is mentioned in his 1907 book ”Histoire des timbres-poste Francais” on page 196 ”l´emploi des cartes a été presque nul”. Our example was used shortly after the war by a french in the newly founded German Reich. The post card shows on all sides propaganda messages in the hope of influencing the german ennemy: ”Peuples insensés, nous égorgerons-nous toujours pour le plaisir et l´orgeuil des rois?”, ”Paris trotzt den Feind ! ganz Frankreich erhebt sich, Tod den Eindringlichen !”, ”Frevel und Eroberung ist Verbrechen; Niederlage bringt Hass und Rachsucht”, ”Une seule guerre est juste et sainte: celle de l´indépendance”. NO OTHER USED EXAMPLE OF THIS PROPAGANDA BALLON MONTÉ POST CARD IS KNOW AND AMAZINGLY IT WAS USED IN THE FORMER ENNEMY COUNTRY. Extremely fine and signed by the expert Pascal Scheller.


Michel Nr.



3.400 EUR

3.000 EUR

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