Los Nr. 546

1863, Disinfected mail black oval framed ”PURIFIEE A TOULON” on cover franked with 20C Empire dentelé tied by Losange alongside cds ”TOULON SUR MER 3 Aout 63” (Var) sent locally then redirected to PARIS. Reverse transit and Paris arrival. The letter was most probably written on a trading vessel that came from the Orient and thus had to go through quarantine. The 20c fee consisted of 10c local postage and 10c voie de mer supplement. It was forwarded to Paris and considered as inland mail, signed Pascal Scheller. THE ”PURIFIÉE A TOULON” HANDSTAMP IS ONLY RECORDED ON TWO COVERS FRANKED WITH POSTAGE STAMPS, the other one is described in the Meyer catalogue. Certificate Scheller.


Michel Nr.

Maury 22


500 EUR


Dieses Los unterliegt der Differenzbesteuerung nach §25a UStG.