Los Nr. 1247

1923 (16th Nov.), Registered envelope of Shepheard's Hotel, Cairo to Hellerup, Copenhagen, Denmark franked by vertical pairs of 1914 Pictorial 3m, 1922 Crown optd. Pictorials 2c, 3c, 4c and 5c. plus 1923 King Fouad 2m, all tied by bilingual ”SHEPHEARD'S HOTEL CAIRO/CASH/16.XI.23” cds, Reg. cachet alongside, Hellerup arrival cds on the reverse, very fine. A NEW SECOND EARLIEST DATE OF USE (see similar cover from 15th Nov. in this auction) OF THE KING FOUAD 2m. GREY-BLACK! (Michel and Abdel-hadi note '6 Dec 23').


Michel Nr.

ex 46/83


90 EUR


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