Los Nr. 7310

1963, 100th anniversary of the International RED CROSS Society set of eight different values with COMB PERF. 12 in different quantities all in complete sheets with 50 stamps each incl. 1np. Dhows (13 sheets), 2np. First aid tent (11), 3np. Camel caravan (13), 4np. Butterfly (14), 20np. Dhows (29), 30np. First aid tent (30), 40np. Camel caravan (40) and 50np. Butterfly (26), total 550 complete sets + extras = total 176 sheets with 8.800 stamps, scarce and unusual investment lot, mint never hinged, Mi. 26/33 A, € 20.245,-- + (S)


Michel Nr.

26/33 A


450 EUR


Dieses Los unterliegt der Regelbesteuerung mit 19% Mwst.